PERCON GROUP openly expresses its intention to offer competitive services to all its clients; For this reason, it has implemented a quality management system within the organization, whose main objective is to achieve the satisfaction expected by customers, through established processes and based on a process of continuous improvement.

The implementation of the management system is oriented towards the satisfaction expected by customers, through established processes and based on a process of continuous improvement. To meet the proposed objectives, the integrated management system established by GRUPO PERCON based on the reference standards UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015, is based on the following basic pillars established by the Management :.

In order to meet the proposed objectives, the quality management system established by PERCON GROUP is based on the reference standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015, is based on the following basic pillars established by the Direction:

 ➢ Satisfaction of our clients, from the concept of an innovative design and the adaptation to the client's needs. including the parties interested in the results of the company, in everything related to the performance of our activities and their impact on society.

 ➢Objectives and goals focused on the evaluation of performance in terms of quality and the environment, as well as the continuous improvement in our activities, regulated in the Management System that develops this policy.

 ➢ Compliance with the requirements of the applicable and regulatory legislation to our activity and in environmental matters, the commitments acquired with clients and all those internal regulations or action guidelines to which GRUPO PERCON submits.

 ➢ Motivate and train all staff working in the organization, both for the correct performance of their job and for the continuous improvement of processes.

 ➢ Maintenance of fluid communication both internally, between the different levels of the company, and with clients.

 ➢ Commitment to environmental protection, preservation of the environment and prevention of pollution.

 ➢ Guarantee a continuous analysis of all the relevant processes, establishing the pertinent improvements in each case, based on the results obtained and the established objectives.

 These principles are assumed by the Management, who has the necessary means and provides its employees with sufficient resources for their compliance, embodying them and making them public through this Quality and Environment Policy.


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